Brien McVernon
Here we are at the beginning of 2023 and all the gigs have returned since the global pandemic of 2020 - 2021.
It has been a creative time for me, a time write and record new music. Make plans for this year ahead.
With the Rockets From Oz we were able to fly to New Zealand in November once again to play at The Beach Hop. It was a great weekend playing to capacity crowds.
I have played a ton of solo and duo shows in the last 12 months leading into this year. The duo shows have all been either with my dear friend Donny or my son Phoenix.
The 3 of us decided it was time to resurrect our 80's New Wave concept show "The Cassettes". Our first show was on New Years Eve to over 7000 people on the levy bank of The Hunter River Maitland.
I feel happy, hopeful and focused on making the most of this year ahead.
Stay positive. Stay Safe. Hopefully I will see you at a live show in a few months time.